The Junior Syllabus is essentially the same as the original IBK Adult Syllabus, with some modifications and variances, particularly at the highest levels. The biggest difference between the adult programs and the juniors will be seen in the testing criteria, where adult testing is cumulative (ie Yellow tests using yellow syllabus, Orange tests using yellow + orange, Green test is yellow + orange + green, etc.) which becomes as much a test of endurance as technique at higher levels, whereas juniors will test only for their current belt level. This allows for a streamlined transfer of attained ranks to the adult program, and greatly increases the level of jujitsu instructed to students in this program. Students transferring to the adult program will be required to pass the Adult exam for their next rank, and Junior ranks are conditional beyond Blue Belt.
Parents should also know that progression will slow rapidly beyond the first few belts, so do be aware: IBK is not a belt factory, and we do not award black belts to minors.
* Students may potentially enter the adult program earlier at the instructional team's discretion if they have outgrown the junior program, physically or emotionally. Furthermore, smaller students may remain in the junior program up to the age of 17, again at the instructional team's discretion.